This page is dedicated to the memory of Gen. Choi, Hong Hi and to the financial support of his widow.
As a special thanks to General Choi’s great contribution to TaeKwonDo, Taekwondo Times will be donating 10% of all digital sales to General Choi’s wife Mrs. Choi Chun-Hi. During General Choi’s life, he devoted himself almost entirely to the growth and development of TaeKwon-Do, spending over 1/2 his time traveling to over 200 countries and reaching over 90 million people. Never worrying himself over such things as financial gain. General Choi did all that he did for his great love of TaeKwon-Do and TaeKwon-Do pioneers. He sought to preserve Korean culture and history to give future generations an artform in which they could all share, a way of life that could bring us towards peace. Since General Choi’s passing in 2002, his wife Choi Chun-Hi has been left with very few resources to live on.
Please consider making a personal donation through Paypal using the link on this page.
Donations are not tax deductible, and are for the financial benefit of Gen. Choi’s widow.
The following is a transcript of Mrs. Choi Chun’s 1st and last speech to the world honoring her husband.
Good morning
I would like to thank you and welcome you.
I am honored to be with you at this meaningful event. We are all here together, united by Taekwondo.
Nowadays, people are talking about a 100-year life span. Since my husband would have been alive 100 years old today, it would have made this event even more happy if he was here today with us.
Everyone is special to our Creator. I married a very special person and he lived an unusual life. Our children were raised differently than other families. It was a stormy life for us.
My husband devoted his life to building, organizing and spreading TKD to the whole world, and to make peace with taekwondo.
Everyday, all day long, he kept talking about Taekwondo, except when he was sleeping. Our family including me didn’t understand him.
Now, when I recall my husband, my heart is full of regret and remorse since I did not help him 100%.
Many people feel happiness and worth when the world recognizes their achievements.
My husbands dream of having Taekwondo spread all around the world, was not completely accomplished.
Fortunately, my son is willing to continue in his fathers unfinished path. After all, he has his fathers’ blood.
My husband had an exceptional love and expectation for his only son. After my husband passed away, my son had a very hard time keeping and spreading traditional Taekwondo in the entangled Taekwondo society. I hope my son and taekwondo pioneers will continue to spread traditional taekwondo.
When I watch my son, I feel sorry for him. He wished to fulfill his father’s dream.
Please give my son Joong Wha Choi, your ongoing encouragement and the support he needs.
Again, thank you for coming to this incredible event.
I’m sure that my husband is smiling up there!
God Bless you!
Thank you!
좋은 아침
감사하고 환영합니다.
나는이 뜻 깊은 행사에서 당신과 함께하게되어 영광입니다. 우리는 모두 태권도 연합에 함께 있습니다.
요즘 사람들은 100 년의 수명을 이야기하고 있습니다. 당신의 협조에 감사드립니다. 당신의 협조에 감사드립니다.
모든 사람은 우리 창조주에게 특별합니다. 나는 아주 특별한 사람과 결혼했고 그는 평범하지 않은 삶을 살았다. 우리 아이들은 다른 가정과 다르게 키워졌습니다. 우리에게는 폭풍우가 넘쳤습니다.
남편은 전 세계에 TKD를 만들고, 조직하고, 전파하고, 태권도와 평화를 이루기 위해 목숨을 바쳤습니다.
하루 종일 매일, 그는 자고있을 때를 제외하고는 계속해서 태권도에 대해 이야기했습니다. 나를 포함한 우리 가족은 그를 이해하지 못했습니다.
자, 남편을 생각하면, 100 % 도와주지 않았기 때문에 마음이 후회와 후회로 가득차 있습니다.
많은 사람들이 세상이 그들의 업적을 인정할 때 행복과 가치를 느낍니다.
태권도가 전 세계에 퍼지길 꿈꾸던 남편은 완전히 성취되지 않았습니다.
다행히도, 내 아들은 아버지의 미완성 된 길에서 계속 기꺼이 나아 간다. 결국 그는 아버지의 피를가집니다.
남편은 마지막으로 특별한 사랑과 기대를 가졌습니다. 남편이 세상을 떠난 후, 내 마지막은 얽힌 태권도 사회에서 전통적인 태권도를 지키고 퍼뜨리는 데 매우 힘든 시간을 보냈습니다.
아들을 볼 때, 나는 그를 유감스럽게 느낍니다. 그는 아버지의 꿈을 실현하기를 원했습니다.
제 아들 인 최중환에게 격려와 격려를 해주십시오.
다시 한번,이 놀라운 일에 감사드립니다.
나는 남편이저기서 웃고 있다고 확신합니다!
신의 축복!